Christian Worship Seasons. With songs and honors sounding loud,Address the Lord on high;O’er all the heavens he spreads his cloud,And waters veil the sky. He sends his showers of blessings down,To cheer the plains below;He makes the grass the mountains crown,And corn in valleys grow. His steady councils change the faceOf each declining year;He bids […]
Christian Hymn – Care Of Widows And Orphans Hymn
Christian Worship Care Of Widows And Orphans. Thou God of hope, to thee we bow;Thou art our refuge in distress;The husband of the widow thou,The father of the fatherless. The poor are thy peculiar care;To them thy promises are sure:Thy gifts the poor in spirit share;O, may we always thus be poor. May we thy […]
Christian Hymn – Solemn Invocation Hymn
Christian Worship Solemn Invocation. Come, thou Almighty King!Help us thy name to sing;Help us to praise!Father all glorious,O’er all victorious,Come and reign over us,Ancient of days! Come, thou all gracious Lord!By heaven and earth adored,Our prayer attend!Come, and thy children bless;Give thy good word success;Make thine own holinessOn us descend! Never from us depart;Rule thou […]
Christian Hymn – Burden And Conflict Of The Ministry Hymn
Christian Worship Burden And Conflict Of The Ministry. Onward, Christian, though the regionWhere thou art be drear and lone;God hath set a guardian legionVery near thee,-press thou on! By the thorn-wood, and none other,Is the mount of vision won;Tread it without shrinking, brother!Jesus trod it,-press thou on! By thy trustful, calm endeavor,Guiding, cheering, like the […]
Christian Hymn – Attraction Of The Cross Hymn
Christian Worship Attraction Of The Cross. Behold th’ amazing sight,The Saviour lifted high!Behold the Father’s chief delightExpire in agony! For whom, for whom, my heart,Were all these sorrows borne?Why did he feel that piercing smart,And meet that cruel scorn? For love of us he bled,And all in torture died;‘T was love that bowed his fainting […]
Christian Hymn – Omnipotence Of God Hymn
Christian Worship Omnipotence Of God. ‘Twas God who fixed the rolling spheres,And stretched the boundless skies,Who formed the plan of endless years,And bade the ages rise. From everlasting is his might,Immense and unconfined;He pierces through the realms of light,And rides upon the wind. He darts along the burning sky;Loud thunders round him roar;Through worlds above […]
Christian Hymn – Christ’s Triumph Hymn
Christian Worship Christ’s Triumph. Hark! the song of jubilee,Loud as mighty thunders roar,Or the fulness of the sea,When it breaks upon the shore;-Hallelujah to the Lord!God omnipotent shall reign;Hallelujah! let the wordEcho round the earth and main. Hallelujah!-hark! the sound,Heard through earth, and through the skies,Wakes above, beneath, around,All creation’s harmonies:See Jehovah’s banner furled,Sheathed his […]
Christian Hymn – Blessed Are They That Mourn In trouble and in grief, O God Hymn
Christian Worship Blessed Are They That Mourn. In trouble and in grief, O God,Thy smile hath cheered my way;And joy hath budded from each thornThat round my footsteps lay. The hours of pain have yielded good,Which prosperous days refused;As herbs, though scentless when entire,Spread fragrance when they’re bruised. The oak strikes deeper as its boughsBy […]
Christian Hymn – Burial Of A Christian Brother Hymn
Christian Worship Burial Of A Christian Brother. Brother, rest from sin and sorrow;Death is o’er and life is won;On thy slumber dawns no morrow:Rest; thine earthly race is run. Brother, wake; the night is waning;Endless day is round thee poured;Enter thou the rest remainingFor the people of the Lord. Brother, wake; for he who loved […]
Christian Hymn – Remonstrance With The Jews Hymn
Christian Worship Remonstrance With The Jews. Why on the bending willows hung,Israel! still sleeps thy tuneful string?-Still mute remains thy sullen tongue,And Zion’s song denies to sing? Awake! thy sweetest raptures raise;Let harp and voice unite their strainsThy promised King his sceptre sways;Jesus, thine own Messiah, reigns! No taunting foes the song require:No strangers mock […]