Christian Worship God Is Our Refuge And Strength; A Very Present Help In Trouble. Bereft of all, when hopeless careWould sink us to the tomb,O what can save us from despair?What dissipate the gloom? No balm that earthly plants distilCan soothe the mourner’s smart;No mortal hand with lenient skillBind up the broken heart. But One […]
Christian Hymn – God Is Our Refuge And Strength; A Very Present Help In Trouble Hymn
Christian Hymn – The Promises Of The Year Hymn
Christian Worship The Promises Of The Year. The year begins with promisesOf joyful days to come,Of Sabbath bells, of times of prayer,Of thoughts on heaven, our home: Of seed-time, with its gentle winds,Soft dews and healthful showers,And streamlets gushing from the hills,And birds and opening flowers: Of summer, with its warbling choirAmid the balmy leaves;Of […]
Christian Hymn – Dedication Of A Country Church Hymn
Christian Worship Dedication Of A Country Church. On this fair spot where nature paysFrom hill, and vale, and flower, and tree,In morning beams, in evening rays,Its homage, God of all, to thee;- Thy children meet to dedicateThis temple to thy gracious name;Our hearts and songs to elevate,-Thy grace and glory to proclaim. Descend-and with thy […]
Christian Hymn – Missionary Hymn Hymn
Christian Worship Missionary Hymn. From Greenland’s icy mountains,From India’s coral strand,-Where Afric’s sunny fountainsRoll down their golden sand,-From many an ancient river,From many a palmy plain,-They call us to deliverTheir land from error’s chain. What though the spicy breezesBlow soft o’er Ceylon’s isle;Though every prospect pleases,And only man is vile;In vain with lavish kindnessThe gifts […]
Christian Hymn – Holy Resignation Hymn
Christian Worship Holy Resignation. Author of good, to thee we turn:Thine ever wakeful eyeAlone can all our wants discern,Thy hand alone supply. O, let thy love within us dwell,Thy fear our footsteps guide;That love shall vainer loves expel,That fear all fears beside. And, O, by error’s force subdued,Since oft, with stubborn will,We blindly shun the […]
Christian Hymn – The Christian Race Hymn
Christian Worship The Christian Race. Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve,And press with vigor on;A heavenly race demands thy zeal,And an immortal crown. A cloud of witnesses aroundHold thee in full survey;Forget the steps already trod,And onward urge thy way. ‘T is God’s all-animating voiceThat calls thee from on high;‘T is his own hand presents […]
Christian Hymn – Thanksgiving For Deliverance In A Storm Hymn
Christian Worship Thanksgiving For Deliverance In A Storm. Our little bark, on boisterous seas,By cruel tempests tossed,Without one cheerful beam of hope,Expecting to be lost,- We to the Lord, in humble prayer,Breathed out our sad distress;Though feeble, yet with contrite hearts,We begged return of peace. Then ceased the stormy winds to blow;The surges ceased to […]
Christian Hymn – On Receiving Members Hymn
Christian Worship On Receiving Members. Lord, we adore thy wondrous grace,Who crown’st the gospel with success;Subjecting sinners to thy yoke,And bringing to the fold thy flock. May those who have thy truth confessedAs their own faith, and hope, and rest,From day to day still more increaseIn faith, in love, and holiness. As living members, may […]
Christian Hymn – What Though The Arm Of Conquering Death Hymn
Christian Worship What Though The Arm Of Conquering Death What though the arm of conquering deathDoes God’s own house invade;What though our teacher and our friendIs numbered with the dead;- Though earthly shepherds dwell in dust,The aged and the young;The watchful eye in darkness closed,And dumb th’ instructive tongue? Th’ eternal Shepherd still survives,His teaching […]
Christian Hymn – General Praise Hymn
Christian Worship General Praise All, from the sun’s uprise,Unto his setting rays,Resound in jubilees,The great Jehovah’s praise.Him serve alone;In triumph bringYour gifts, and sing,Before his throne. Man drew from man his birth,But God his noble frameBuilt of the ruddy earth,Filled with celestial flame.His sons we are;Sheep by him led,Preserved and fedWith tender care. O to […]