Christian Worship Faithfulness Of God’s Promise. The promises I sing,Which sovereign love hath spoke;Nor will the eternal KingHis words of grace revoke;They stand secure,And steadfast still;Not Zion’s hillAbides so sure. The mountains melt away,When once the Judge appears,And sun and moon decay,That measure mortal years;But still the same,In radiant lines,The promise shines,Through all the flame.
Christian Hymn – Te Deum Hymn
Christian Worship Te Deum. O God, we praise thee, and confess,That thou the only LordAnd everlasting Father art,By all the earth adored. To thee all angels cry aloud-To thee the powers on high,Both cherubim and seraphim,Continually do cry- O holy, holy, holy Lord,Whom heavenly hosts obey,The world is with the glory filledOf thy majestic sway. […]
Christian Hymn – Call To Labor In God’s Vineyard Hymn
Christian Worship Call To Labor In God’s Vineyard. The vineyard of the LordBefore his laborers lies;And, lo! we see the vast rewardWhich waits us in the skies. O let us then proceedIn God’s great work below,And following our triumphant Head,To further conquests go. And let our heart and mindContinually ascend,That haven of repose to find,Where […]
Christian Hymn – Invitation To The Mercy-seat Hymn
Christian Worship Invitation To The Mercy-seat. Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish;Come, at the mercy-seat fervently kneel:Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Joy of the desolate, light of the straying,Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure,Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,Earth has no sorrow that […]
Christian Hymn – God Incomprehensible Hymn
Christian Worship God Incomprehensible. Great God! in vain man’s narrow viewAttempts to look thy nature through;Our laboring powers with reverence ownThy glories never can be known. Not the high seraph’s mighty thought,Who countless years his God has sought,Such wondrous height or depth can find,Or fully trace thy boundless mind. And yet thy kindness deigns to […]
Christian Hymn – God Our Refuge And Hope Hymn
Christian Worship God Our Refuge And Hope. God, my supporter and my hope,My help forever near;Thine arm of mercy held me up,When sinking in despair. Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feetThrough this dark wilderness;Thine hand conduct me near thy seat,To dwell before thy face. What if the springs of life were broke,And flesh and […]
Christian Hymn – Ye Are The Salt Of The Earth Hymn
Christian Worship Ye Are The Salt Of The Earth. Salt of the earth! ye virtuous fewWho season human kind;Light of the world! whose cheering rayIllumes the realms of mind. Where misery spreads her deepest shadeYour strong compassion glows;From your blest lips the balm proceedsThat softens human woes. Yours is the large expansive thought,The high heroic […]
Christian Hymn – Forgiveness Hymn
Christian Worship Forgiveness. I hear the voice of woe!I hear a brother’s sigh!Then let my heart with pity flow,With tears of love, my eye. I hear the thirsty cry!The hungry beg for bread!Then let my spring its stream supply,My hand its bounty shed. The debtor humbly sues,Who would, but cannot pay;And shall I lenity refuse,Who […]
Christian Hymn – True Wisdom Hymn
Christian Worship True Wisdom. Be it my only wisdom here,To serve the Lord with filial fear,With loving gratitude;Superior sense may I display,By shunning every evil way,And walking in the good. O may I still from sin depart!A wise and understanding heart,Father, to me be given!And let me through thy Spirit knowTo glorify my God below,And […]
Christian Hymn – Imploring The Constant Presence Of God Hymn
Christian Worship Imploring The Constant Presence Of God. When Israel of the Lord beloved,Out from the land of bondage came,Her father’s God before her moved,An awful guide in smoke and flame. By day, along th’ astonished lands,The cloudy pillar glided slow;By night, Arabia’s crimsoned sandsReturned the fiery column’s glow. Thus, present still, though now unseen,When […]