Christian Worship Again, I Say-watch! Ye servants of the Lord,Each in his office wait,Observant of his heavenly word,And watchful at his gate. Let all your lamps be bright,And trim the golden flame;Gird up your loins, as in his sight,For awful is his name. Watch,-’tis your Lord’s command;And while we speak, he’s near;Mark the first signal […]
Christian Hymn – Majesty Of God Psalm 18 Hymn
Christian Worship Majesty Of God Psalm 18. The Lord descended from above,And bowed the heavens most high,And underneath his feet he castThe darkness of the sky. On cherubim and seraphimFull royally he rode,And on the wings of mighty windsCame flying all abroad. He sat serene upon the floods,Their fury to restrain,And he, as sovereign Lord […]
Christian Hymn – Invitation To Pure Worship Hymn
Christian Worship Invitation To Pure Worship. At the portals of thy house,Lord, we leave our mortal cares:Nobler thoughts our souls engage,Songs of praise, and fervent prayers.Pure and contrite hearts aloneFind acceptance at thy throne. Hapless men, whose footsteps strayFrom the temple of the Lord!Teach them Zion’s heavenly way;To their feet thy light afford.Let the world […]
Christian Hymn – On The Death Of An Aged Christian Hymn
Christian Worship On The Death Of An Aged Christian. I have fought a good fight;I have finished my course. Servant of God, well done!Rest from thy loved employ:The battle fought, the victory won,Enter thy Master’s joy.The voice at midnight came,He started up to hear;A mortal arrow pierced his frame-He fell, but felt no fear. Tranquil […]
Christian Hymn – Faith Without Works Is Dead Hymn
Christian Worship Faith Without Works Is Dead. As body when the soul has fled,As barren trees, decayed and dead,Is faith; a hopeless, lifeless thing,If not of righteous deeds the spring. One cup of healing oil and wine,One tear-drop shed on mercy’s shrine,Is thrice more grateful, Lord, to thee,Than lifted eye or bended knee.
Christian Hymn – For The Understanding And Influence Of God’s Word Hymn
Christian Worship For The Understanding And Influence Of God’s Word. While here as wandering sheep we stray,Teach us, O teach us, Lord, thy way!Dispose our hearts, with willing awe,To love thy word, to keep thy law;That, by thy guiding precepts led,Our feet the paths of truth may tread. Great Source of light to all below!Teach […]
Christian Hymn – Now Let Our Prayers Ascend To Thee Hymn
Christian Worship Now Let Our Prayers Ascend To Thee Now let our prayers ascend to thee,Thou great and holy One;Above the world raise thou our hearts;In us, thy will be done. O, let us feel how frail we are,How much we need thy grace;O, strengthen, Lord, our fainting souls,While here we seek thy face. Our […]
Christian Hymn – Sunday Evening Sacred day, forever blest! Hymn
Christian Worship Sunday Evening. Sacred day, forever blest!Day of all our days the best!Welcome hours of praise and prayer,Free from toil, fatigue, and care! Happy, truly happy, Lord,Those who hear and read thy word!Happy those who dwell with thee!Who thy grace and glory see. We once more have heard thy voice,Lord, in thee our souls […]
Christian Hymn – Prayer For The Jews Hymn
Christian Worship Prayer For The Jews. Father of faithful Abraham! hearOur earnest suit for Abraham’s seed:Justly they claim the fervent prayerFrom us, adopted in their stead;Who mercy, through their fall, obtain,And Christ, by their rejection, gain. But hast thou finally forsook,Forever cast thine own away?Wilt thou not bid the murderers lookOn Him they pierced, and […]
Christian Hymn – For Freedom From Secret Sin Hymn
Christian Worship For Freedom From Secret Sin. Searcher of hearts! before thy faceI all my soul display;And, conscious of its innate arts,Entreat thy strict survey. If, lurking in its inmost folds,I any sin conceal,O, let a ray of light divineThe secret guile reveal. If tinctured with that odious gallUnknowing I remain,Let grace, like a pure […]