Christian Worship All-embracing Providence Of God. Jehovah God! thy gracious powerOn every hand we see;O may the blessings of each hourLead all our thoughts to thee. If, on the wings of morn, we speedTo earth’s remotest bound,Thy hand will there our footsteps lead,Thy love, our path surround. Thy power is in the ocean deeps,And reaches […]
Christian Hymn – Not Different Food, Nor Different Dress Hymn
Christian Worship Not Different Food, Nor Different Dress Not different food, nor different dress,Compose the kingdom of our Lord;But peace, and joy, and righteousness,Faith, and obedience to his word. When weaker Christians we despise,We do the gospel mighty wrong;For God, the gracious and the wise,Receives the feeble with the strong. Let pride and wrath be […]
Christian Hymn – Morning Or Evening all From God Hymn
Christian Worship Morning Or Evening.-all From God. Father! thy paternal careHas my guardian been, my guide!Every hallowed wish and prayerHas thy hand of love supplied;Thine is every thought of bliss,Left by hours and days gone by;Every hope thy offspring is,Beaming from futurity. Every sun of splendid ray;Every moon that shines serene;Every morn that welcomes day;Every […]
Christian Hymn – Restoration Of Israel Hymn
Christian Worship Restoration Of Israel. Daughter of Zion, from the dustExalt thy fallen head;Again in thy Redeemer trust:He calls thee from the dead. Awake, awake; put on thy strength,Thy beautiful array;The day of freedom dawns at length,The Lord’s appointed day. Rebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlarge,And send thy heralds forth;Say to the south, Give up […]
Christian Hymn – The Gospel Advancing Hymn
Christian Worship The Gospel Advancing. Brighter shines the gospel dayOn our Zion’s mountains;Clearer has become the wayTo her living fountains.Hark! the stirring trumpet toneHath o’er every hill-top flown;Error’s hosts retiring see!Superstition’s minions flee! From the luring haunts of sinWhere the soul is blighted,Christ invites-come enter inTo the temple lightedWith the beams of pardoning love-With the […]
Christian Hymn – A Call To Prayer Hymn
Christian Worship A Call To Prayer. They who seek the throne of graceFind that throne in every place;If we love a life of prayer,God is present everywhere. In our sickness, in our health;In our want or in our wealth,If we look to God in prayer,God is present everywhere. When our earthly comforts fail,When the woes […]
Christian Hymn – A Dying Saviour Hymn
Christian Worship A Dying Saviour. Stretched on the cross, the Saviour dies,Hark! his expiring groans arise;See, from his hands, his feet, his side,Descends the sacred, crimson tide. And didst thou bleed?-for sinners bleed?And could the sun behold the deed?No; he withdrew his cheering ray,And darkness veiled the mourning day. Can I survey this scene of […]
Christian Hymn – Who Shall Abide In Thy Tabernacle? Psalm 15 Hymn
Christian Worship Who Shall Abide In Thy Tabernacle? Psalm 15 Who shall towards thy chosen seatTurn, O Lord, his favored feet?Who shall at thine altar bend?Who shall Zion’s hill ascend?Who, great God, a welcome guest,On thy holy mountain rest? He whose heart thy love has warmed,He whose will, to thine conformed,Bids his life unsullied run;He […]
Christian Hymn – Morning Or Evening Hymn Hymn
Christian Worship Morning Or Evening Hymn. My God, how endless is thy love!Thy gifts are every evening new;And morning mercies, from above,Gently distil like early dew. Thou spread’st the curtains of the night,Great Guardian of my sleeping hours;Thy sovereign word restores the light,And quickens all my drowsy powers. I yield my powers to thy command;To […]
Christian Hymn – Spring When verdure clothes the fertile vale Hymn
Christian Worship Spring. When verdure clothes the fertile vale,And blossoms deck the spray,And fragrance breathes in every gale,How sweet the vernal day! Hark! how the feathered warblers sing!‘Tis nature’s cheerful voice;Soft music hails the lovely spring,And woods and fields rejoice. O God of nature and of grace,Thy heavenly gifts impart;Then shall my meditation traceSpring blooming […]