Christian Worship Morning Or Evening.-all From God.
Father! thy paternal care
Has my guardian been, my guide!
Every hallowed wish and prayer
Has thy hand of love supplied;
Thine is every thought of bliss,
Left by hours and days gone by;
Every hope thy offspring is,
Beaming from futurity.
Every sun of splendid ray;
Every moon that shines serene;
Every morn that welcomes day;
Every evening’s twilight scene,
Every hour which wisdom brings;
Every incense at thy shrine;
These-and all life’s holiest things,
And its fairest-all are thine.
And for all, my hymns shall rise
Daily to thy gracious throne:
Thither let my asking eyes
Turn unwearied-righteous One!
Through life’s strange vicissitude
There reposing all my care,
Trusting still through ill and good,
Fixed and cheered and counselled there.