Christian Worship Kingdom Of Christ.

To Christ, the Son, the Father spake:
Lo, ask of me, and I will make
The heathen to thy sceptre bend;
The utmost parts of all the earth
Are thine inheritance by birth,
And wide thine empire shall extend.

Now Jesus waves his sceptre high,
Unfurls his banners in the sky,
While loud the gospel trumpets sound:
His enemies with sore dismay,
Retire in haste and yield the day,
While trophies to the Lord abound.

Before him kings and tyrants fall,
Detest their crowns, and on him call,
And he a pardon free doth give:
The world in sin was dead before;
To life the world he will restore,
And in him all the world shall live.

O Lord, thy government shall be
Extended wide from sea to sea,
And long thy sceptre thou shalt hold;
As long as sun or moon shall shine,
Thou King of earth shalt reign divine,
The mysteries of thy grace unfold.